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Marietta Daisies Garden Club


January Birth Flower


Carnations are one of the birth flowers for January and symbolize love, devotion, and affection.


Carnations represent the warmth and love that people born in January bring to the world. They are also associated with distinction and fascination. 

  • Colors and their meanings

    Different colors of carnations have different meanings: 

    • Deep red: Deep and passionate love 

    • Light red: Admiration and longing 

    • Pink: Gratitude 

    • White: Purity, innocence, and sweetness 

    • Yellow: Disappointment and rejection 

  • Other meanings

    Carnations are also associated with Mother's Day, with pink carnations being particularly associated with a mother's love. In the United States, carnations are often used for wedding bouquets, and in China, the carnation is the most popular wedding flower. 

  • History

    The scientific name for carnations, Dianthus, comes from the Greek words dios (god) and anthos (flower), which translates to "divine flower" or "flower of the gods". 



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