1) Be sure to complete the Marietta Daisies Survey that you received through email or by filling out a paper copy at the March Membership Meeting. The paper copies will be available at the April Meeting also. It is important that the Committee Chairs know of your interest in serving on their committee.
2) The Marietta Daisies 22 oz stainless steel tumbler will be available for purchase at the April Membership meeting. Each tumbler is $30.
3) Installation of Officers will take place at the April 18th meeting. We will welcome Council President Mikel Vann to install the new board members for 2022/23.
4) Garden Week in Georgia – April 17th – April 23rd
5) Council Meeting – April 20th, Marietta Educational Garden Center, 9:30 AM –11:30 AM
After Council business concludes everyone is welcome to enjoy a beautiful program, "French Floral Design, Le Jardin Francais" featuring a presentation from Atlanta florist, French Market Flower